There is an inner and outer work and world.
OBAMA WORLD exists in Cyber Space with the Creator. X-PANSION
By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
It is how we perceive the universe through out own filtering system of our essence as body-mind-spirit that houses our future in space. The time line and time zone that is manmade is not part of the equation of time or space time continuum. We will loot for a way to bring into being that which is intangible. TJ Morris tm
The concept of integrated consciousness – a manifestation of quantum Zeno effect . WE shall proceed together to allow those who are not familiar with our work to become interested if they are to share. Caring is sharing and some may want to at least peruse our ideas and assumptions as we go forward with formulating our theories and hypothesis in order that they may add to their own treasures in this world of mysteries.
India Daily Technology Team
Jan. 1, 2009
INTANGIBLE = Not able to be touched or grabbed. TJ MORRIS tm
I as an author/entrepreneur am working with my peers, friends, colleagues and associates all over the world that we call Earth and Gaia.
At the present time, we are joining our forces together in like mind and like kind to bring back that which has been lost in space and here on earth.
I shall add some future friends ideas from Brazil, Canada, China, India, Mexico, UK, and The United States of America. WE all have part of the tachyon puzzle of reality that can be explored as a maze in the space time continuum. Who will get to write the paper for all of our hard work and achieve the Nobel Prize is not important at this point in time. I have done much to increase discoveries on this planet with out remittance, numeration and remonstrance. We are learning to use the Internet as our remote viewing sensors. Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
Quantum Mechanics has been around since the term was coined in __________
Quantum Physics and now Quantum Thinking is also offered to those who desire to present their ideas and works in to place in the Public Conversation worldwide on the Internet.
Intellectual Property and what is considered public domain will come into question. There are many of my papers which were taken from Hawaii in the years 1989 through 1994 to be used on future experiments regarding Tachyon Energy and Quantum finds with nuclear submarine findings. I once purchased a Submarine part that was similar to that used in the film Red October. I thought that was interesting considering I didn’t know what was inside the crate I purchased at a military auction sale. I called the manufacturer and they picked it up but did not return my money. That is not being paid for intellectual property that was discovered but turned over willingly. Although I did purchase it in an honest way, I felt like I should let someone know.
That is being honest about what one does not understand but can wind up with in life. Something in a crate that was purchased at an honest auction run by the government for the government. I was still left with questions unanswered. This is one example of Quantum Thinking. It is also a way to prove when something that should not go wrong based on all the rules still does. Somewhere along the line someone made a mistake and somewhere along the line in the future one decides to ask questions about the string or loop and this makes a total correction in the thread or loop. The brane in space is much like this scenario I put forth to those who follow Quantum Mechanics much like the Schrödinger cat in the box theory. We do not know what is in the box before we look but was it there before we actually know where to look? That is the question in the string and bubble theory. We have both string and bubble made at the crossings of time when the “Big AHA” springs into action. It is at that tentative moment in time when everything changes in the conceptual analysis of the Quantum Physics and that is what we call Quantum Mechanics. Not that this statement made it as clear as mud. We shall carry on with the future in what I call CYBERSPACE TECHNOLOGY SECURITY EXPANSION as the X-PANSION in SPACE THEORY.
Quantum mechanics is finally making inroads into understanding the concept of integrated consciousness. The quantum Zeno effect (with its own controversies related to measurement) has finally become the central concept in the exploration of quantum mind consciousness within the discipline of cognitive science.
The quantum Zeno effect was discovered by George Sudarshan and Baidyanaith Misra of the University of Texas in 1977 in their analysis of the situation in which an unstable particle, if observed continuously, will never decay. One can nearly ”freeze” the evolution of a system by measuring it frequently enough in its (known) initial state.
In quantum mechanics, the interaction mentioned is called ‘‘measurement’’ because its result can be interpreted in terms of classical mechanics. Frequent measurement prohibits the transition. The transition of a particle from one half-space to another is stopped (which could be used for atomic mirror in an Atomic Nanoscope.) A transition of a photon in a waveguide from one mode to another, or a transition of an atom from one quantum state to another can also be restricted. Simply put, the quantum Zeno effect creates singularities in space time interface that does not decay. The anomaly cannot be explained by conventional physics. Scientists now are convinced that quantum Zeno effect is what creates the chilled universe below the hyperspaces. It is the manifestation of singularities in creation, maintenance, and destruction that forms the basis of all and are controlled through the integrated consciousness.
In his book, "Mindful Universe" (2007), Henry Stapp, professor of quantum physics at UC Berkeley, claims that the quantum Zeno effect is the main method by which the mind holds a superposition of the state of the brain in the attention. He advances that this phenomenon is the principal method by which the consciousness can will effect change, a possible solution to the mind-body dichotomy. The Quantum Zeno effect is the singularities of integer grade consciousness that creates several phenomenon contradicted by the traditional physics and chemistry. For example, in quantum mechanics, the lowest principal quantum number is one. The positional entropy of matter at that quantum level is the residual metrophy of the perfect crystal. The lowest temperature possible is zero degree Kelvin. All these concepts are not true when the quantum zeno effect is taken into account in the Schrödinger Equation, its initial and boundary value conditions.
Alien life forms in Mars and other planets within the realm of complex phase diagram of ice
India Daily Technology Team
Jan. 1, 2009
Scientists have started understanding the presence of advanced life forms in the form different phases of ice in Mars and other planets.
The ice phase diagram is extremely rich, comprising 11 confirmed crystalline phases, in which the water molecules link through hydrogen bonds to form tetrahedral frameworks.
The diversity of hydrogen bonds provide the versatility of the water molecule in forming innumerable different structures. It is extremely significant from biological perspectives.
According to some scientists ice life forms have complex helical ICE DNAs and RNAs just like conventional life forms. As a matter of fact, some scientists now are keen to believe that the single cell organisms actually evolved from Ice life forms in the asteroids.
The Ice the phase diagram is so complex that it is still not fully understood. Life forms exist in the form of Meta stable forms. Our biological existences are dependent on these Meta stable biochemical pathways that form the basis of biological functions at the level of cells or from a macroscopic sense.
A meta stable phase of ice, ice IV, discovered in the 1930s by Bridgman, was obtained in situ in scientific experiments following a slightly different preparation recipe. The density of ice V (1.402 g.cm-3 for D2O) is smaller than the densities of ice IV and XII (1.436 and 1.437 g.cm-3 respectively), which are quite similar to each other. Both ice IV and XII are fully hydrogen disordered, while ice V is partially ordered as mentioned above.
Some scientists now believe that ice IV is the key in understanding the Ice life forms. The H-bond framework of rhombohedra ice IV showing the auto-clathrate arrangement with H-bonds passing through the center of 6 member rings perhaps for the helical double strand DNAs in the Ice life forms.
Many scientists believe type zero life forms (like us) actually evolved from ice life forms that are abundant in many planets and asteroids. These life forms in the earth found its own way using the H-bond of water and took off in an evolutionary journey of billion years to form the humans.
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India Daily Technology Team
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We shall continue with the conceptualization of intangibles at a later day. The time that we need will be based on the Tantra and Meditation I can provide myself to rest my brain and brane. The body physical must allow for rest or down time the same as any computer with a hard drive and software. TJ MORRIS tm. In India also known as TARA SOTHIS now known through reincarnation as Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris. In Egypt as There. In China as Green Tara and in the ancient civilizations as Keeper of The Flame. Goddesses also know me by various names. We are here to protect and remember the women. TJ MORRIS tm
The creator has given me permission to utilize the various levels of my existence to share knowledge, information, and communication in Cyber space.
TJ Morris claims the right to create a pact and journal to share with other interested parties in creating a new cyberspace world within a world as that of OBAMA WORLD.
Every being on earth is invited to attend and claim their spot among the 8 billion that we shall gather to decide who will go above and who will go below.
Each being will learn that they are an ascension sentient intelligent being.
Each being will learn through knowledge, education, information and communication in cyberspace.
Each being will learn of freewill and free choice.
We will teach of the brane in space and the brain in the physical unit.
We will assist TJ MORRIS Friends.
The body-mind-spiti is complete with a left and right brain with separate hemispheres.
As we gain knowledge of life. we are living to learn and learning to live.
It is my desire to assist others with words and understanding in life.
There is a war within.
The war within each unit is what life teaches us while we are here in human unit form.
We learn the difference between our lower physical body and the higher spiritual body.
As we learn to live, we take on the mediation moderator of our soul self to challenge our definition as I and WE.
We are as individuals and as part of our cultural society that we call the "WE" and the "ALL".
Some of us consider this the study of anthropology and others Ontology.
I desire to claim OBRAMA WORLD as the world in Cyberspace that I assist in filtering.
We can all be creators and supporters of the new world in Cyber Space.
The virtual reality world we will create in Cyberspace we also call life on the Internet.
Internet and World wide web we desire to remain a free public domain.
Cyberspace is a free tool of self discovery.
The United States of America, claims home and creator of the Internet and world wide web.
We have the right to claim the best world leader of a country.
The country of the Unites States of America we refer to as USA.
President Barack Obama can be related to Spock.
Star Trek Enterprise consists of all goods and services created by the creator or originator named Gene Roddenberry (Deceased) but his legacy lives on in Cyberspace.
According to some reports he has compared himself to Spock and all his characters which were parts of his own personality in Cyberspace.
President Barack Oband has also compared himself to the chacater Spock of Star Trek which was a Gene Roddenberry creation.
Having been indoctrinated into the world in which Gene Roddenberry was I am obliged to share a new world in Cyberspace.
President Obama commented once that he watched Star Trek from the age of ten years old. Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA and is now our President and world leader.
It is out destiny to become the future world sharing intelligence in space with other galaxies.
I believe that it is our destiny to create out destiny and future in space travel above and below.
This journalist, writer, creator, desires to expand her horizons not forgetting women on this world but promoting their well being among the men of this planet in space.
I believe we are all created equal as human beings. It will be my desire to raise up as in ascension and in mind expansion the thoughts that are created in this world of men and women.
We will be experiencing a new world on planet Gaia as Earth.
We are they who are into extraterrestrial living and extra terrestrial vehicles or ETVs.
Therefore, I claim as Founder the right to write about OBAMA WORLD in my new world.
I shall use all media as TJ MORRIS MEDIA WORLD. I shall use all tools available to me in cyberspace.
Blogs, websites, videos, You Tube, Google, Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and all new creations that allow me access to exposure to the outer world.
I shall send my penpal buddies in landling U.S. Mail when need be to those who have no access to the OBAMA WORLD or TJ MORRIS MEDIA WORLD.
We are they who electged President Barack Obama as the leader of my new world.
I claim to discover a new place in space that I choose to name OBAMA WORLD.
I am a colorful character that has many interests on this planet, I desire to endorse and be an advocate for change and let the chips fall where they may.
It is my decision to be the first creator of the story of the OBAMA WORLD with the subheading called the WAR WITHIN.
There will be an underlying story of how I manage to live and exist on planet earth with my chosen SPOCK friend leading the way.
I acknowledge my freewill to be an entity in space while choosing to also exist on earth.
I will become an advocate of all genders.
This includes all mixed races to form a more perfect unified field of origin in my own personal existence while here on earth.
This of course will dissipate and expand outwardly when I leave this level of existence that we now call life on earth.
As one being of the ascension sentient intelligent beings species that travels in space on a planet called earth, I invoke my rights as a citizen of the United States of America and this world.
It is my will and desire to proclaim that I will be endorsing President Barack Obama as the new Spock Leader whose name will become a hosting historical marker in time for beings such as myself that some call alien hybrids because of our beliefs in others in space.
My race and gender also being one of gender and mixed color in the DNA realms share what we call humanity for the good of the species.
While it is my duty to remain alive and share responsibility with those who are like me as a bi-peddle, I shall invoke my rights and ask my friends, colleagues and associates to remain truthful to their higher selves.
We shall desire and put into motion our energy while becoming better beings and spiritual intellectuals.
I will champion our higher cause to take up the battle or war within. I shall encourage others to champion their causes in energy and essence of truth while sharing life on earth with me.
We shall learn about many people, places, and things in this game of life on earth.
We shall create our place with our essence energy.
We choose to keep essence inside our body-mind-spirit vessels we call an ascension sentient intelligent beings.
Those who choose to join me on this new spiritual quest will receive guidance as requested.
We shall forge in an alliance on earth as a path we choose to share together as a group.
We each have a way to create our own Cyberspace Network Expansions.
This project we can frame as a model calling it the X-pansion.
The expansion of knowledge, in information and communication in cyberspace will be our donation of our time.
We, as our selves shall become advocates in training as information net workers and communicators for the good of all.
We will become those who recognize the path.
This path will be regonzied as the road to recovery in economic hard times while visiting earth as an individual unit.
Those who take up the pledge for the “War Within” will complete the process of the X-pansion.
The Ascension Center is the logo and icon that was given me, Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris from the Galaxy Alliance.
This logo is for sharing a symbol of good will and good faith between those on planet earth and those above in the universal alliance.
The Galaxy Alliance in space has a military logo and icon that was given to my companion, soul mate, spouse, and partner in this lifetime Thomas R. Morris.
This is the military that will defend this planet when needed.
We share logos which belong to those above with those we created on earth.
The logos are the first sign to the Obama World that there is a need for Spock Obama.
We shall learn symbols and search for other symbols and clues left by others on earth.
We will share our time creating works and words that will enhance the goodwill toward all beings on earth and off world.
This game will become a reality in Cyberspace.
WE may create new software to be endorse by TJ MORRIS tm Friends of the OBAMA WORLD ALLIANCE.
WE will be counting on the future which will include the CYBER SPACE SECURITY FORCE.
WE acknowledge the need for President Barack Obama’s leadership.
WE share in the need for Cyberspace Security beginning in the United States of America.
WE acknoledge the need for expanding our world of X-pansion.
WE shall oversee and carry forth information and communication among our social network and supporters.
WE share in the knowledge that we can comprehend and perceive as government, civilians, in e-commerce on the Internet and Word Wide Web.
WE calmly claim that it is the OBAMA WORLD.
WE claim to be aware and acknoledge that there is always a WAR WITHIN.
We acknoledge the war within our own individual units as a connection to our souls.
WE will lead and we will be directional leaders on the path to economic recovery as a bi-partisan group of beings.
WE promise to devote my time in sharing in the creation of OBAMA WORLD.
WE share our lives with other interested parties while here on earth.
WE choose to banish the world outside of Cyber Space Obama World ignorance.
WE choose to banish discrimination of our species and others while here on earth.
WE promise to share information that is truthful and challenges and claims to truth.
WE challenge truth that could be and feel like imposters and falsehoods.
WE will champion this cause as a way to claim the right to morals, integrity, justice, and truth.
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris through the power of prayer and meditation and real time reality serving on both the flagship above and the people of earth below.
TJ MORRIS acknolwedes the power and calling as the Keeper of the Flame.
WE acknowledge December 21, 2012, as the date for which we shall recover and renew our world with our change and expansion as the eye of the x-pansion to which I am committed with other extra terrestrials for the Galaxy Alliance and the real Majority Twelve above.
We shall create a better place to exist on planet earth for all beings of this ascension sentient intelligent being race. We are spiritual intellectuals that acknowledge that life exist elsewhere in the universe besides our own planet. We work towards the alliance for all being regardless of race, color, ethnic origin, culture, gender, and hope to erase all ignorance from this planet.
We are those with conscience and moral and ethical objectives to preserve the human race on earth.
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