Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
May 31, 2009
We must learn to provide for ourselves and train our children.
We are important and we train beings on earth.
We are learners and explorers.
We have education on earth and formally in our schools.
We know that before we send our children out to survive on their own to be a citizen of the world that it is our responsibility as universal virtual citizens to teach the truth.
We teach our children in school about citizenship.
We instruct our universal virtual citizens or uvc's how to become a better person and to be part of the whole world that we refer to as "WE THE PEOPLE."
There is no "I" in Team is a popular way to say that when one joins others, we think as a team. But, there is no "WE" without the "I" in all of us. So this meaning is pointless unless the importance of each individual unit of the species is treated with admiration and respect. We are universal virtual citizens and our education should not stop as an I person on planet earth and this is where the education stops.
WE must learn to cooperate together as a species on this one planet, in one solar system, in one galaxy, in a cluster, of the web in stellar space. The clusters and super clusters are part of the grid or web in the dark matter. The dark matter has holes.
We know now that our super telescopes tell us we are one galaxy in the vast universe that goes out in our way of thinking for all time and eternity. There is no end in sight.
Therefore, we need to first address our universal virtual reality before we can proceed to meet officially the other intelligent beings from other galaxies.
WE are Universal Virtual Citizens (UVC)s.
Office of the [President, Governor/Mayor]
Global Proclamation of Universal Virtual Citizens
WHEREAS, our community and communities across America are welcoming many new neighbors,
friends, employees and citizens from countries and cultures throughout the world -- people for whom
English is not their native language; and
WHEREAS, Americans have growing social, cultural and economic ties to the global community,
offering great opportunities but presenting new challenges as we seek to communicate with and
understand our international partners from different language and culture backgrounds; and
WHEREAS, studying other languages has been shown to contribute to increased cognitive skills, better
academic performance and a greater understanding of others, while also providing life-long learning
opportunities for people beyond school age; and
WHEREAS, proficiency in other languages enhances Americans´ career opportunities and provides
employers with a workforce with the necessary skills for an international marketplace; and
WHEREAS, foreign language educators are working cooperatively to promote the benefits of language
learning to students, parents, business, industry, health and social services leaders, and policy makers
throughout the nation; and
WHEREAS, language education in the 21st century includes a commitment to the study of long
sequences of world languages beginning in the early grades to enable students to develop the levels of
proficiency needed to effectively communicate with people from other cultures whether at home or
abroad; and
WHEREAS, language educators are urging the public to recognize the value of delivering better
education to our students, of expanding the cultural and literary horizons of adult learners, and of
strengthening America´s position and security around the world;
WHEREAS, our future depends on our total populations survival and understanding the world in which we live with a broader expansion of knowledge, communication, and information in Cyberspace; and
WHEREAS, we recognize that the date, December 21, 2012, 11:11 universal time will pass of over and around this planet and will be the first universal experience of any large global historical recognition,
NOW THEREFORE, I, (_______________, ________________) of _______________
name title town/county/state
do hereby proclaim 2009 as
The Year of Languages and
do hereby proclaim 2012 as
The Year of Universal Citizens
in ______________ and urge all universal virtual citizens to become familiar with the terms, services and benefits, in all languages and all countries of the world's entire total universal virtual citizens languages as one species.
We desire to share this proclamation with not just the citizens of the United States of America but with all countries and people of planet earth.
We desire to send this not only to our President of the United States to discuss with others at the G20 meeting in September, 2009 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but to continue to discuss the entire universal virtual citizens and their new Persona's in cyberspace on the Internet and World Wide Web.
We desire new economic programs to support financial funding in all our schools and homes in America for future economic and environmental changed for our future to come.
We offer this as a proclamation proposal of all citizens of the world in all locations;
We ask each being on the Internet in Cyberspace to share this level of knowledge with all the citizens that they know, network and communicate information with in their perspective locations on earth. This can be sent to world leaders of both the eastern and western hemispheres,in countries, regions,towns/counties/states of America.
We ask that all languages and knowledge of the entire universe be offered by language education programs in our state and community and to support and
participate in these programs to gain proficiency not only in English, but in other languages as used in the social networks as well.
We acknowledge languages offered for free on the Internet and feel that if a language is used in Cyberspace and on the Internet that it should be taught free of charge on virtual reality with our avatar persona's recognized in coordination with our computer identification and codes.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the United States of America on this _______day of ____________________,2009.
or (City/County/State) of _________________ this _______day of ______________, 2009.
There will be a plan and process of instruction for those interested in expanding the global consciousness. We are expanding our universal knowledge to include all beings of all species.

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