Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
June 02, 2009
The study of both anthropology and astronomy as it relates to attributes of character to deity. Anthroponomy could be thought of in science as the study of science and religion as one field relating to human creation from deities.
Science in the past has been somewhat left brain logic in a psychology sense. Religion has been in the past somewhat of a right brain logic in a philosophycal sense.
It is time the intelligent beings species of earth knows the truth. This is the study of ontology at it's best. There are the educators of languages coming together desiring a new way to address the human population. The global community now has input. The awareness of the Akashic Field that has only been used in the past by Oracles, Shamans, mediums, psychics, geniuses, and futurist entrepreneurs will now be explained to others.
This is part of the Ancient History records and artifacts being opened to those who desire to know the truth of the origin of humankind. This is part of the Age of Revelation. This is part of the age of revealing to those who want to know about how life is created at levels before the sperm and egg is formed in the human species.
This is part of the future of humankind on earth as it once was in Lemuria and Atlantis. This is the part of the Library of Alexandria that was destroyed. This information will bring forth all the black holes in our memories. Anthroponomy will be
created and studied in this generation for those who are born December 21,2012, 11:11 and afterwards. The secrets of Egypt will be discovered.
On May 31, 2009, Global Community Proclamation Proposal was presented to the Obama World.
This is about the truth. This is about allowing the whole population learn about what I know to be the truth.
The Global Community Proclamation Proposal is about becoming true Universal Virtual Citizens or UVCs.
Why the change in nomenclature one might ask? Because it is time. As of Sunday, May 31, 2009, on our way of keeping time, the Supreme Being Alliance has allowed me as their spokesperson, communicator, or Commander of the Fleet above that some call angels and others call light beings to allow for all of us to get right with our own species.
We are now going to share with everyone that they are more than they have been lead to believe in the past by others in charge. We the people thought that our government, world leaders, and religious leaders were in on the loop of those above we refer to as spiritual Supreme Beings.
Now, it has come to my attention that we are all the same. That those in charge are only working in their chosen or elected positions based on laws of man and not based on laws of spirit. The difference is in discernment and are undoubting.
The Supreme High Council is my guides. The lady in charge I cannot say her name in English or any other language on earth. That is how different their language actually is to the way we think and speak. I have a talent for languages and rolling my tongue when needed to make sounds. This is not the case here. The language of the Guides or Gods and Goddesses that are truly those in space that are celestial beings are using a language that no human being or other intelligent being species can speak. I am sure that they created this as a safety factor to maintain the superior distance that comes with being a much more superior level of species in not only having more levels of understanding and knowledge but in what we call age as in years spent alive on earth.
The reason that I am following up the last article Angels and Demons good and bad aliens with this good and bad ET UFO Friends is to show that there are those of us who are ET UFO Friends that are considered good and bad while we are here on earth. This is important. There will be a time on earth when we may have to decide which side we are on. This is due to infiltration of the dark into the light and vice versa.
The light workers are those who have chosen to be so. The light workers usually have good common sense and work with their own guides above. They usually have a conscience and have some form of connection with a guiding force be it outside themselves or inside and attached with what some call their silver or golden chord of a plasma like substance. Some of us believe that even though the umbilical chord is cut when we are born as children that the real chord to our creators are never cut. It is a symbolic gesture that is manifested here on earth at our physical birth.
The way that we are created from one male who carries one part of us as sperm and then the female part of us that is carried by the mother as the egg should be apparent to all beings that we are created on earth with a male and female part. This makes us 50% male and 50% female. Why so many men and women find a way to mistreat each other because of gender is beyond my and those who have a heavenly abode is beyond our comprehension. Yes, they too ask questions of our inferior earth species. This is a very deep conversation and will take a book to explain. Maybe if I am allowed to stay on earth a while longer I can add it to my get a "Round Tuit" list of books to write. Sometime, I feel like I am writing a New Jubilees or Apocrypha. I can tell why.
There are those in ancient of days who came and went from planet earth. Some were born as human beings on earth. Some were light workers or angels from above. There were some who came to assist others on earth who were considered good people. The ones who lived a good life with morals and ethics and came closest to being accepted by those above were a peaceful clan of beings.
When certain beings as clans got together in life and living and forged a level of existence together some became wicked in their ways. This caused concern above. The species was not put here to be wicked and kill. Those above who seeded us on planet earth desired our king and kind to be as they are in the higher levels in the telestial, extraterrestrial, and celestial worlds. This terrestrial world was the place where many of us are sent to learn how to be a part of the intelligent being species that can think and act of their new freewill and make their own choices in body-mind-spirit bodies.
Through the many thousands of years that beings were seeded on earth. There were some of us who once lived on the planet Mars that was in the exact place that earth now is. The reason there is only one planet in this solar system is complicated to explain to those who do not study anthroponomy and science. But, basically, there is only room in a water belt around the sun for one planet. That place was once harnessed in space by the planet we now call Mars.
Mars was once here and was hit by a rather large asteroid in a collision and was knocked off course and when it was, the planets were scrambled around and the planet we now call Earth took the place of Mars in the positioning around earth. This is part of the truth and the real history of this planet. As far as I know, I am the only one besides my husband on earth who knows the truth about this.
That is why certain beings are chosen to come to earth based on the choices made of our extraterrestrial leaders in other galaxies. Some of us based on who we were before we were born are created the same as all beings one earth but, we have agreed before we came to being tweaked and to agree to certain ways of knowing. This is also very complicated to explain and will take a book. That is why it is hard to write at the level of my understanding since some of what I write comes direct from extraterrestrials who allow me to remember or receive information direct. Some call these our guides, light workers, angels, aliens, Est., extraterrestrials, and some believe we are prophets for the Gods and Goddesses. Some simply call us Oracles. Some call us Shamans. Some call us mediums and psychics. The military term is remote viewers.
Regardless of what we are called, there are still levels of being, and understanding among us. We all have callings and elections made sure. We also have various reasons for what we do. Some prefer to call their sixth and seventh senses gifts or talents. This can take a book and I hope to complete it someday because I know it will help others with why they are the way they are. There are various levels of logic and reason. There are various levels of understanding. We have five parts to our brains that can be used. Most do not know this or use the three parts.
Psychologists, and the medical field have various terms for the levels of the mind. We are bringing enough education and information to the world to have various people with intelligence levels to research the mind and the brain. The future will be much better for those who are making discoveries of how the body-mind-spirit functions.
I will need to write a book in a faith based or spiritual way in order to reach the most people the fastest on the subjects of the mind and spirit. Some people say that I am a very spiritual person. Yet, to some who change and translate my writings in to the Latino or Spanish languages who are Catholics, they may think that I am an alarmist. This would be seen as bad or negative energy. This is furthest thing from my and how I conceive my spirit and being here. I have a knowing inside my own seed and sinew that is expressed as love, caring, sharing for the greater good of all beings on earth and to assist in the ascension or raising of spiritual consciousness for the whole body-mind-spirit being in total.
I was considered a professional and a good one most my life as an investigator. I fought for what is good and right in society. I always helped others with cases in the legal system. Be it as a private investigator, legal investigator, or as a government employee. I chose the side of the law that was considered the right side for the people who lived in my country. Because I have had some changes in my physical body and am now old, I write about my experiences. Those who can do the job do and those who can no longer serve in the doing capacity teach. That has always been the rule of our humankind on earth. Those who have a young energy in life are to do good things to help themselves and others. Those who can no longer function at full energy capacity are asked to teach others what they know. It is the way it has always been on earth.
Unfortunately in the world today, there are many who do not have the old ways taught to them. The world in which we now live allowed for the children of our kind to be only taught by their parents or by those who were in the family, clan, group, or community. If they child was born to a family with good knowledge of others above as we were taught then they become good being and in a positive light as citizens on earth.
But, if they child is born to parents who are not considered good based on their own freewill choices or based on the way they were brought up to exist in their family, clan, group, or community, then they can turn our bad or seeing the world in a negative light or bad citizens who may be killed or be incarcerated for injustice to society. In many countries around the world, they deal with their own who are born in the country and speak the language that is used at the time the child is born. Some have good and bad upbringings but the one thing that usually sticks with them is the language and logistics. This is being studied now in anthropology and ontology. I study both subjects while knowing that much of who the human kind species is now is based on many old ways.
Some were tweaked along the way in a good way and some bad. This also is the way of the human kind species of which we are all one intelligent beings species.
We are all responsible for our one human intelligent beings species. This is why I write. I accept that I can no longer make a large contribution in fighting crime and the negative the way I once did. So, I write.
We are all ET UFO Friends. This is something that has not come to light to the entire global community. Be this read by those who are good or bad, there is hope for all. This is what beings like me bring to earth is the faith and hope of the future as futurists entrepreneurs.
We are here to share with the greater good that there is a plan and there is a connection to those above who want only the best for all of us on earth as one intelligent being species. We are all one and one for all.
This is why the new Global Community Proclamation for all Universal Virtual Citizens as UVCs. This title is given to all as once class of citizens on earth and does not discriminate. We are all one. To be Continued.
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