Mariah Carey via
Theresa J. Morris professionally known as TJ Morris tm which is her name and trademark uses the ACIR sm as her service mark as an interested party in International and Goal Community Social Cultural Growth with emphasis on Social Entrepreneurial ventures.
TJ can maintains various websites as an Author/Entepreneur. TJ speaks of the days last century that are behind her as a fine exotic old wine. One of her favorite analogies on earth has been that older women are like fine wine and they become better with age.
TJ has many skills dealing with global and cultural issues and one of her skills has always been with traveling and sharing the admiration and respect with other human beings around the world no matter what cultural traditions and beliefs may separate the mind. Theresa learned at an early age to be an Ambassador of Goodwill from her seniors in Louisiana where she was born.
Tj's paternal side of the family the Thurmonds were from the South and her Great Grandfather was Richard "Dick" Jackson Thurmond who owned the Ripley Railroad with Faulkner in Ripley, Mississippi.
Tj's family own her mother's side saw strong women including her Great Aunt becoming the first woman superintendant of schools in New York City which was always a large part of her family becoming educators in schools at various levels from New York through Missouri and into Monroe, Louisiana for Northeast State and LSU.
TJ has a love for all countries, her homeland the United States of America and all her states that include certain areas where her four daughters choose to call home for professional employment reasons.
Angela Dawn Parrish graduated high school, and TJ took her directly to college and did not allow her to go on spring break to Florida upon her graduation. Angela was a model perfect six and stood 5'11, a true blonde hazel eyes. Angelar went to Tj's office in Los Angeles where she was discovered and played a model in a movie.
Lauren Michelle Parrish was asked to attend college in Honolulu, Hawaii at Uniersity of Hawaii where TJ's corporate office was located but chose to stay in Winter Park, Orlando Florida area where she now is in banking.
Stephanie Esther Parrish, modeled in Atlanta, Georgia for her mother's High Fashion Bathing Suit line and Managed the Atlanta Apparel Mart for three years having a family of three sons still living in Buckhead. Stephanie has since had the last granddaughter for TJ named Kali Mariah Smith and has the beginnings of a talented Mariah Carey who she was named after but will more likely follow in Beyonce Knowles's foot steps. She will most likely be a model like her mother and 3 Aunts all were.
Ginger Theresa Fay Parrish was a model who snared a large modeling agency in New York and was on her way to Europe when she met a surfer and chose to attend the Greatful Dead Tour instead at Mom's expense. Ginger attended a private high school in Honolulu, Hawaii. Gi-Gi as she was called during her modeling days now resides with he two sons outside of Phoenix, Arizona and is a spiritual minister following her life's path.
TJ hopes to create a new beginning for her four daughters, and her grandchildren, Steven, Ann-Marie, Hayley Michelle all Ryan's living new Aunt Stephanie in Florida.
Stephanie has Brandon Lee named after Tj's passion with martial arts, the famous Bruce Lee. Stephanie was honoring her mother's belief system in many of the eastern phiosophies for boys. There is Keith, and Kevin and the three boys live in Atlanta.
Gi-GI has Dustin and Jayden Skipper in Arizona, while Jacob and Jordan Thomas live in Lubbock, Texas attending school.
Lauren M. Parrish has Gabriel who was born in Houston, Texas and also studies martial arts. All the grandsons are sport minded and in martial arts which TJ believes offer mental discipline for the body-mind-spirit. The girls were all given a spiritual life and are business working Mothers.
TJ wants to begin building a firm foundation for the future of not just her 9 grandsons, and 3 granddaughters but for all children of the world.
TJ has never been motivated by money and greed which can work against an entrepreneur on this planet. TJ has since learned to concentrate on her passions, and purpose, and the results are reward enough. It will be up to the family legacy of strong maternal women who will build a new empire for this 2012 bunch of teenagers.
TJ had a hard time interesting her four daughters in her line of work in international marketing and manufacturing. Stephanie was the only daughter who worked directly for her mother full time in the family business. Lauren worked for her mother part-time in Waukegan, Illinois doing Title Searches in the legal areas of her mother's line of work while waiting on her orders to Hawaii. Lauren took an interest in mortgage banking and has fulfilled her goal with a bank in Florida.
The TJ Morris tm ACIR sm may be left to TJ Morris Friends and this is why TJ is being quite exclusive about who will be allowed in her inner circle. Tj's background in Business and Public Security with government hands own training in personnel and information security has taught her the best way to create a good outlook on how the future of her designs in manufacturing and distribution internationally will work.
TJ has had some colleagues and partners in life she has thought she could trust but their heart was good until the larger business venture started coming their way as TJ's designs and marketing skills began taking off in the third year. This was the crucial time for her business to grow. TJ says she seemed to have greed cropping up from all her business partners in Europe, Asia, Canada, and the US. She realized that when it comes to taking a corporation where it needs to go in order to move forward that the bridge to prosperity is a long and hard road to follow.
TJ says this time she will forge her path knowing there will be rocks in the road but she will leave a trail for others.
TJ favors the many people from India whom she met while doing psychic fairs in Honolulu. One gentleman took videos of Theresa back to India and TJ made friends with many and learned of their beliefs and culture first hand.
TJ also met Buddhist Monks while in Honolulu, and when she went to Japan. She hopes to blend her many ways of dealing globally so that all may prosper from the future global marketing strategies. TJ is managing her business though many friends are offering as volunteers through her chosen charity line of work called Ace Folklife.
TJ said she tried to interest some people in Kentucky where she filed in Ace Folklife for art, culture, education, and her book publishing which is one of her passions is sharing in Ascension Educational Awareness. She worked as a volunteer Event Planner in Kentucky from 2001 with the Bill Monroe Foundation and has her charter hanging on her wall. This has since been changed to the Monroe Foundationa dn Jerusalem Ridge Festival which she worked 5 consecutive years when Bluegrass Festivals began a festival at the Ohio County Fairgrounds 2004-2007 for three years and TJ caught the folklife education of Kentucky from the Western Kentucky University Anthroplogy Department and the Ohio County Tourism in bluegrass. Tj has recently decided to put the festivals to rest because of the lack of interest to the outdoors crowd when the gasoline prices went up as did the global warming temperatures.
TJ saw the change in people due to economic hard times and had some hard times between 2006 when she first filed her business with the Internal Revenue Service which is required to dun a business in America. TJ had two years into a local business with her husband and his father when they both became ill and and Grandfather Morris 108 Years old was laid to rest. The Morris Family was saddened and in mourning. The world seemed to be mourning all of 2008.
TJ is allowing her time with her husband while editing his books which he has completed four and she has four that are to be edited and completed for publication but will miss the deadlines for the big book shows internationally. One may be a goal for each. Tom Morris is TJ's soul mate and writes military mysteries. TJ is more into space and science with some paranormal experiences that have become of interest to her readers awaiting her book called TAKEN UP. American Book Publishers as been waiting for the Alien Contact Experiences book. TJ has the files but due to her product line and husband's health has not had time to only write. TJ has been cranking out articles for UFO Digest in Canada for Dirk Vander Ploeg on a weekly basis of about 2000 words a week, as well as, American Chronicle, American News Magazine, and Anew News.
TJ has not had much time to share with her social network friends on line so has been at least keeping in contact on Facebook and Twitter since no time to answer personal emails to her readers. They have grown with her over the last two years and know that she cut back on the emails to write books.
TJ has not shared her talent in goods and services marketing and manufacturing, nor her talents as an Investigator working for rich attorneys in Houston such as the famous Percy Foreman, Benton Musslewhite, and Newton Schwartz with an occasional case with John O'Quinn, and other well known law firms. TJ has always been told by a New York Agent that if she ever wanted to write her book "Houston Undercover" copyrighted name that her private eye and Legal Investigator stories would be better sellers in New York than the niche paranormal genre but, TJ has obligations first.
TJ has signed a contract for all the merchandising rights for future sells under her name with a rather large media corporation in the U.K. which was at the end of 2007.
TJ will not discuss this with her friends or Webmasters, not even her spouse or attorney. This leaves the reality show in the future after her book signing tours.
TJ explained that her product line is in the making and will not launch until after 2010 when she has her first book released and can nurture her husband through his marketing campaign. Tom is also an artist and his collections was appraised by an art dealer of $285,000 for the 250 on 8x10 pen and ink one of a kinds. Tom sold several copies that went out around the world through sales at a local Beaver Dam Cafe with visitors during the Bluegrass Festivals season and visitors from U.K. and Australia. It was hard for TJ to grasp that people from around the world come to Kentucky for other than the Kentucky Derby Race. The Western Kentucky Bluegrass Region has several counties teaming up.
TJ moved to the green trees and blue hills of Beaver Dam, Ohio County, Kentucky by choice. TJ lives in Mitch McConnell land where people are very proud of their independent heritage and aim to keep their gun rights along with their human rights.
TJ says she may appear old on the inside but she has a corvette V8 Chassis just like the Corvettes of Bowling Green, Kentucky USA where the home of Fruit of the Look is also. TJ is big on cotton and natural green cotton from her old Eco-Fashion Days. TJ wears only natural materials and we can expect to see her new designer line for the general woman populace that want strong double seams in their clothing styles.
TJ is also an animal lover and has always had a dog as a companion. TJ says as always a portion of the sales of all her products will support animal rights. TJ also supports human rights around the world. Health and prosperity are her goals now and she is laying out a new business and marketing plan for her daughter Stephanie who will assist TJ in the Eco-Friendly new designer market promoting models.
TJ likes America's Next Top Model and wants to support the plus size. TJ explains that was her next project in Chicago which is the closest fashion convention. TJ says she has Atlanta in mind again as well. Dallas can stand alone although she says she always enjoyed the shows there. Nashville is closest and only 100 miles from Beaver Dam. TJ is going to watch the marketing trends through 2009 while doing one more year with her websites before turning them over to a Webmaster she can trust. Fro now, she has three people in mind. Two men and One woman. The Jewelry shows in Atlanta are the ones she has been with besides in Honolulu. TJ was considering working with a market in Owensboro and Evansville, Indiana and is looking into the marketing traditions in the area.
Tj says that the world has changed so much since 1990 and that 2010 will be twenty years since she signed her showroom contracts in LA and Atlanta. TJ says if all goes well 2011-2020 will be the rise of the Phoenix for her new "KEEPER OF THE FLAME".
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